Joshua May is currently a 4th degree blackbelt with 18 active years in the Martial Arts. His commitment to the vision of FMA is unparalleled and highlighted by his extraordinary work with the “Lil Champ” 3-7 year old classes and his highly anticipated Saturday morning classes.
Chief Instructor Joshua May is known for his caring attitude and his uncanny awareness of mental struggle within the students. He can establish the best course of action with virtually any given situation. He is willing to go above and beyond for any and all students and makes it a point to invest in each student and their parents.
May’s vision for all students is for them to become conscientious, forthright individuals driven by constantly improving themselves. He teaches his students to develop their “Ownership Mentality” asking not what others can do for them but what they can do for themselves. As a Professional Martial Artist, Chief Instructor May has countless local and national championships as well as multiple World Championship titles.